Head of the Department: doc. MVDr. Martin ANGER, CSc.
Phone: +420 533 331 411
E-mail: martin.anger@vri.cz
The Department is involved in the study of genome structure and function in farm animals, and the study of physiology and pathology of reproductive system functions in animals in relation to infertility. Further scientific activities at the Department focus on the study of biology of gametes and early embryos of farm animals and the development of new reproductive biotechnologies.
Research groups
Head of the research group: Mgr. Miluše Vozdová, Ph.D.
Phone: +420 721 441 422
E-mail: miluse.vozdova@vri.cz
This research group has been involved in clinical, molecular and comparative mammalian cytogenetics for a long time. The team develops diagnostic and research approaches in this field at the level of both somatic cells and gametes.
Using laser microdissection, whole chromosome painting probes are produced and used for hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. The method of karyotype analysis is applied to monitor the occurrence of chromosomal rearrangements of autosomes and sex chromosomes in different species of farm and wild animals (ZOO-FISH). Laser microdissection also allows the isolation of short specific chromosomal regions whose DNA is then amplified and cloned. Recombinant clones are sequenced and compared between the species. The results of both cytogenetic and molecular comparative analysis allow the specification of mutual phylogenetic relationships between species and subfamilies and are useful for taxonomic classification of species. Now, this approach is being extended by the use of flow cytometric chromosome sorting.
Besides that, the analysis of male meiosis is carried out, using immunofluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) methods. The study of the course and disturbances of meiotic division is important for the determination of the influence of genetic and other factors on reproduction quality in breeding animals and humans, the formation of chromosomally abnormal gametes and the degree of genetic diversity in populations. Comparative analysis of meiotic progression in different members of the family Bovidae aims to define the impact of evolutionary changes in the number and morphology of chromosomes on the frequency of meiotic recombination, and to assess their relationship to the phylogenetic development of the species.
Head of the research group: doc. MVDr. Martin ANGER, CSc.
Phone: +420 533 331 411
E-mail: anger@vri.cz
The activity of the laboratory is focused on the study of chromosome segregation in mammalian meiosis and in early embryonic development, depending on female age. In mammalian oocytes, the incidence of disorders increases with advancing age. The resulting chromosomal aneuploidy is one of the factors responsible for reproductive dysfunctions and has serious consequences giving rise to foetal loss and defects. We use advanced microscopy methods such as live cell imaging to study chromosome division. The research group is involved in the CEITEC project.