Veterinary Research Institute
Hudcova 296/70
621 00 Brno
Czech Republic
IČ: 00027162
DIČ: CZ00027162
Connection: +420 533 331 111
Secretariat: +420 533 332 501
Vice director for scientific research activity:
Vice director for management and strategic development:
Ing. Ildikó Csölle PUTZOVÁ, Ph.D., MBA
Secretariat of director: Ing. Jan RÁZEK, Pavla Dobrovská
PR Manager: MVDr. Jan Bernardy, Ph.D.
DATA BOX: 3gsnh8r
Attention: VRI Camera Operating - VRI area is guarded by an electronic security system to ensure the protection of persons and property. Due to the legitimate interest in the protection of property, CCTV cameras are installed in the entrance areas and on the outdoor VRI areas. The data recorded may be used by the administrator in connection with the detection of an event detrimental to the legitimate interest and could be submitted to the designated authorities.